If you left your bike somewhere on campus and it wasn’t there when you returned, there’s a chance it was either stolen or impounded. Call the CSO office at (805) 893-2433 to check if they have your bike, and if not, file a report with them to list it as stolen. Typically when bikes are impounded the CSOs will leave a red tag behind to let you know they’ve taken it; keep this tag and have it on hand when you call the office.
Why Bikes are Impounded
Bicycles are clearly the primary transportation method for UCSB students. Because there are so many bikes on our campus, we must be especially conscientious where we park– one bike left out of rack or locked to a fence post or tree quickly becomes ten or more, which blocks walkways and makes disabled or emergency travel especially challenging. Any bicycle parked in a spot other than a bicycle rack is considered parked illegally and may be impounded.
While CSOs and the UCPD will often give students a warning or move an out-of rack bike to the nearest rack, impounding bicycles is occasionally necessary to prevent accidents and hazards. If your bicycle was impounded, it will be available for release the following day at the CSO office, located at Lot 32, just behind the Public Safety Building at the corner of Mesa and Stadium Roads. The impound release fee is $24.00. Impounded bicycles must be registered prior to release. Registration fee is $10.00 and is good for three years. You may reach the CSO office at (805) 893-2433.
Improving Parking Availability
The Bike Committee understands that some of our campus lots are extremely crowded and that finding legal parking close to your class can be difficult. When it is not possible to expand the amount of parking in a crowded lot (typically due to physical barriers, lack of approval from area stakeholders, or budget), we often attempt to add or improve nearby lots. For example, while the parking lot near the Arbor is often overflowing, the lot on the north side of South Hall has been expanded and usually has openings. The Campbell lot is constrained by the parking lot and building, but the SAASB lot typically has plenty of extra space.
The Bike Committee is also working with UCPD and CSO to reduce the number of abandoned bikes clogging up our racks. You can help by selling or donating your bike at the end of the year rather than leaving it on campus where due to limited staffing it may take up a space for months before we are able to remove it.